Items not eligible for return:

  • Items that were delivered more than 30 calendar days ago
  • Items that have been used
  • Items that have been opened or altered in such a way that they cannot be sold as new items
  • Discontinued items purchased from Bargain- Bin

The Return Process

Step 1 Fill out an RMA (Returned Merchandise Authorization) Form and send it to us. See below.
Step 2 When we have received, reviewed and approved the RMA form request, we will reply to you by email with an authorization to return the goods and supply you with an RMA number.
Step 3 Ship goods back to us.

  • Please place goods in a box or package in a way to prevent damage during shipping.
  • Important: The RMA number we provided you must be clearly written on the outside of the package and a copy of the RMA form must be included inside the box.
  • If there is no number on the outside of the box and/or if there is no copy of the RMA form in the box, we cannot trace the package to the RMA number and therefore, we cannot issue a credit to you.
  • The cost to ship the package back to us is to be paid by you.
Step 4 Once we receive your package with the RMA number on it and RMA form inside, we will inspect the goods to verify if they are in a condition that can be sold as new. If the items were damaged in shipping back to us and are no longer in a condition that we can sell as new, we will be unable to give you a credit and you will have to file a claim with the shipper you used.
Step 5 Once approved, the method of payment you used to make the purchase will be credited for the value of the item(s) less a 15% restocking fee. If you are returning an entire order that was shipped to you on a “free freight” basis, you will also be charged for the amount of freight it cost us to send you your order.